Romance, Drama, Action
“Farki Farki” is an upcoming Nepali magical romantic drama film directed by Suyog Gurung. The movie stars Anmol KC and Jassita Gurung in the lead roles. Set against the backdrop of mystical elements, the story unfolds as a time-traveling love saga. Love transcends boundaries, and in this enchanting tale, it knows no limits. The film promises a blend of romance, entertainment, and drama like never before. As viewers embark on this cinematic journey, they’ll be swept off their feet, carried away by the magic of love, and immersed in a world where time bends and hearts collide.
Director : Suyog Gurung
Cast : Anmol Kc & Jassita Gurung
Release On : May 23, 2024
Duration : 2 hours 26 mins